2 Year Old Classroom

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2-Year Old Curriculum Highlights

Daily Activities –To facilitate the curriculum goals listed below, daily activities are selected and include a range of stories, songs, snack, teacher guided activities, free exploration and discovery, art, music, social and personal skills building, enrichment, projects, and recess.

Social/Emotional Development – Two year old children are figuring out how they feel about themselves, others and the world around them as well as how to regulate their emotions and express themselves. With this in mind, our program is designed to provide children with a responsive, reassuring, positive, secure atmosphere where they are able to explore and have experiences and interactions with others. The small class size allows the teacher to spend time with each child individually, as well as in a group format to promote positive relationships.

The goal for your child’s social/emotional development is to achieve a sense of self, take responsibility for self and others while behaving in a pro-social way. 

Language Development – Two year olds are eager to communicate! This class provides a caring and responsive environment that engages the children in conversation. Activities in this class include talking, singing, reading, reciting nursery rhymes and finger-plays.

The goal for your child’s language development is to be able to listen, speak, and begin to make sense of written language. 

Physical Development – Your child’s physical development includes both fine and gross motor abilities. Two year olds are better able to control their muscles with more precision through the practice of playing and exploring their world. This class offers a variety of activities, toys, manipulatives, books and music to provide the children with the tools necessary to continue growth and development in this area.

The goal for your child’s physical development is to be able to achieve both fine and gross motor control of their bodies. 

Cognitive Development – Cognitive development is described as the way in which children think and develop understandings about the world around them. This helps them to reason and problem solve. Since 2 year olds learn through play, it is an important part of their experience and part of the everyday routine in this class. A variety of toys, puzzles, books and activities are provided to encourage children’s play and exploration.

The goal for your child’s cognitive development is to learn to problem solve, think logically and to use imagination while representing and exploring abstract ideas. 

Enrichment Activities – Music and creative movement classes led by specialists are offered throughout the school year.

Based on: The Creative Curriculum for Preschool,

Trister-Dodge, D., Colker, L. & Heroman, C., Fourth Edition.